How to improve battery life on Linux laptops with TLP

4 years ago

On this episode of Doing NeatO Things in Linux we look at How To Improve Battery Life On Linux Laptops

Top tips for extending the battery life of your laptop all laptops

Dim your screen. ...
Change power settings. ...
Switch off Wi-Fi. ...
Turn off peripherals. ...
Eject your disc drives. ...
Invest in some hardware. ...
Disable features. ...
Battery care

Simple Ways to Improve Battery Life on Linux Laptops

Set Ubuntu's Built-In Power Settings. You bought a powerful laptop and you want to use that power. ...
Turn off Bluetooth. Toggle power-hungry bluetooth. ...
Turn off Wi-Fi. Don't need Wi-Fi? ...
Lower Screen Brightness. ...
Quit Apps You're Not Using. ...
Avoid Adobe Flash (Where Possible) ...
Install TLP.

#Linux #LinuxMint #LinuxAcer #LinuxBatteryLife
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(c) Robbie Strike 2019

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