Heat wave reaches peak in France, “no end in sight” for record drought

1 year ago

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Temperatures reached up to 40 degrees Celsius on Wednesday in France, as the country entered the peak of its third heat wave of the summer.

While the episode is milder than the previous one, the heat is further worsening the drought experienced in the country since July.

“Over the coming days, as well as over last week, we are still expecting very anticyclonic weather throughout the country, without rainfall, and so there is so far no end in sight to this drought," French weather forecaster Florian Hortola said.

The blistering temperatures have led authorities to implement water use restrictions in nearly all regions of mainland France, in an effort to preserve crops. With the effects of climate change, heatwaves and droughts are only expected to become more common and last longer, according to Hortola.

“There have been other years, but these heatwaves have been more and more numerous in recent years and are set to become more so in the years to come," Hortola concluded. “All this is linked to global warming.”

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