Judges 3:7-11 “Othniel the Lion”

2 years ago

In the desert God led them as a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day…when God moved…the people were to move.
To fashion a calf out of gold…meant that when you moved…you would have to pick it up and carry it with you.
To carve a god out of wood meant that you had to make sure it never got to close to the fire.
All the metal gods fashioned by the silversmiths had to be saved if the flood waters came…or hidden from thieves.
The point is what good is it to call upon a god fashioned from wood, silver, and bronze to rescue you…
If you had to rescue your god from natural disasters and from thieves?
How foolish is that…yet people today still put their faith in manmade objects…and in man.
And you would expect that…form the pagan world around them…the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
But these are Gods chosen people who are bowing down to the god of this world…Satan.
And the same is true today…there are God’s people (believers) who have bowed down to the gods of this world…

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