Ave Maria Biebl

5 years ago

Ave Maria (Angelus Domini)
Franz Biebl
Rush County Chorale
Christmas Concert 12-7-19
St. Mary's Church, Rushville, IN
Directed by David Doyle
Video: Carolyn Sorber
Mother of Life by Nellie Edwards
(North American) Indigenous Mother and Child by David Forte
Holy Family by Caesar Van Everdingen, 1660
Voodoo Madonna and Child by Erzulie Dantor
San Juan Diego and Bishop, artist unknown
Haitian Madonna and Child by Ismael Saincilus
Nativity with the Torch by the Nain Brothers
Holy Family by Kelly Latimore
Madonna and Child by Parker Fitzgerald based on the Irish illuminated gospel, Book of Kells
Madonna of the Moon by Sister Teresa, a Japanese Carmelite nun
Modern holy family by Eric Fitzpatrick of Roanoke, VA
Mother and Child by J. Kirk Richards
Mother of God, Queen of China by Chu Kar Kui
Old Christmas card
Sunshine Mother And Child by Shijun Munns
O Root by Ansgar Holmberg, CSJ
Icon of Mary and the Child Jesus, Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

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