Escape the Matrix!-Self Realization- Self Actualization-Self Liberation

4 years ago

Walking around in the mountains of Ecuador I found myself contemplating some of the comments that I have seen on social media from people that feel trapped. Helpless.
As a person that escaped the Matrix decades ago, I felt compelled to offer what I can to encourage others to do the same.
An incredible number of people on this planet are attaining levels of consciousness that used to be reserved for elite mystics, shamans, monks, etc.
It is early in this process that we become increasingly disenchanted with the strictures of "normal" society. And so we must, collectively, get about the job of creating a new society. One that values creative expression over conformity. One in which individuality is sovereign, but never finds it's expression at the expense of the collective.
Much of what we believe is only true in the context of unnatural parameters. And much of it is toxic.
We have the tools to liberate ourselves and each other from these mind-forged manacles and create a Brave New World.
We must start with ourselves.
Deprogramming cultural imprints, liberating our time from the Evil God Money, and attaining to previously unexperienced heights of self knowledge are among the primary objectives of this new consciousness movement.
To live according to the dictates of our True Will, our soul purpose, is the only real path to satisfaction, to bliss.
In order to create a new world we must create new individual selves, not bound to ideas of limitation that have been imprinted in our minds by a culture that has become outdated, and toxic.
To survive we must adapt, and to thrive we must learn to engineer our own adaptation.
I want to see conscious people buying Islands and founding nations. We can. And we will.
This video is especially well suited for sharing with people that are "on the fence." Those that are just starting to smell a rat. Realizing that their religion was a trap. Reaching for a deeper, richer, more varied and open experience of self, and life. READY TO DEPROGRAM!!!
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