Saudi money's influence on University Islamic research ft Ibn Warraq

4 years ago

Watch this interview by New English Review (NER) Senior editors Jerry Gordon and Ibn Warraq at the NER Symposium, "Decline, Fall & Islam," in Nashville. Warraq discusses Saudi Arabia and its 250 million dollars in grants and donations controlling how Islam is taught and stifling Koranic research at prestigious universities in the U.K. and America. Warraq proposes a Cold War era type independent research institute to translate criticism of Qur'anic literature by Western scholars into Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Turkish and Indonesian languages to stimulate self criticism of Islam.
Ibn Warraq is an independent researcher based at a humanist think tank in the US. He is Vice President of World Encounter Institute, author of Why I am Not a Muslim, 1995, and editor of anthologies of Koranic criticism The Origins of the Koran, 1998, What the Koran Really Says, 2002, and Which Koran?, 2007—all Prometheus Books. He also edited an anthology of testimonies of ex-Muslims, Leaving Islam, 2003, Defending the West, A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism, 2007 and Virgins What Virgins?: And Other Essays, 2010.

Warraq's op-ed pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal in America and The Guardian in London, and he has addressed distinguished governing bodies round the world, including the United Nations in Geneva on the subject of apostasy.


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