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Sam Seder Debates Libertarian Larry Sharpe

2 years ago

Libertarian Larry Sharpe, who will not be on the ballot this upcoming gubernatorial election for the state of New York because of changes to third-party ballot access for which Sharpe is suing, debates Sam Seder about ballot access, Cynthia Nixon’s run for governor under the Working Families party, and the Forward Party established by Andrew Yang. Sharpe talks about why he is a Libertarian and how he can be as liberal or conservative as he wants. They also talk about women’s right to choose, child gardens, and much more.

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By 2020 the state changed the rules and threw away the ballot. They tried to stop me, I’m either stupid or stubborn or both, I’m not sure. Maybe we’ll find out. We should also say that you are not just the Libertarian candidate. but the Forward Party. This is the party that is set up by Andrew Yang. I want to be clear on this- I am endorsed by the Foreward Party. But I am running on the Libertarian Party line because I think, the reality of it is, that Andrew Yang and I agree on certain things. Third-Party is the answer. If we don’t have a third party, we’re in trouble, so we gotta have a third party, on that we agree upon. I think he agrees with you on some of your ideology too, that was always my issue with Andrew Yang. At one point we had talked about him talking about eliminating a lot of our social safety net.


  • 0/2000
  • Seder’s a relic. I used to think he was capable of an honest debate. I was wrong. Crucial to Seder’s argument style is to attempt to reframe the debate and fill it with straw men. He sounds like a pedantic, insufferable, relic who thinks the US government is the same as it was 80 years ago.

  • If you hate me, I don"t mind at all. I don"t live to please you.

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  • Never say die is the best character of a successful person.

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