Episode 130: Our Favorite Game Components-ish or Katie is Definitely the Pretty Okayest Host

4 years ago

Episode 130 - Favorite Game Components

Katie’s Fickle Favorite

Recipe for Disaster - 6 days; $42
The Original Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars - 8 days, $39
Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall - 26 days, $65

Games played:
The Pursuit of Happiness
Terraforming Mars
Grand Austria Hotel

Favorite Game Components:
Katie - Raja of the Ganges elephant
Jason - Black fleet boats and coins
Katie - Room names in Castles
Jason - Victorian Masterminds Gears
Katie - Balconies in OG Council of 4
Jason - Gambler Dice Shaker

Honorable Mentions: Parks, Everdell, Wingspan, Fool’s Gold, Takenoko, Five Tribes, Naga Raja, Dogs of War


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