David Goldberg Final Words warning the American people in 2019

2 years ago

David Elias Goldberg was a staunch supporter of the state of israel, from 2012 till 2019 when he recorded this and warned the people about a plan to round up targetted patriots .. this could be why people were unexplainibly getting sick withhe didn't know about covid19 bit knew they can make people sick using aerosilized bioweopons , A.I. , bio accumalitive aerosolized nanites , weaponizing the individual by Pax2 gene deletion syndrom Ip36 gene deletion and The Vmatt2 gene deltion , directed energy weapons, A.I all this and much more ... Goldberg was married to Sheryl Sandberg C.E.O of Google, we now know Google was collecting data project pogo , next phase project zyphyr is beyond terrifying its down right nightmarish hell ... worse than death by smart gullotines Obama ordered 50 million of them
.. 1 was used on him ironically . Poetic justice or psy op ? You be the judge .

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