🔥Daddy GOD -Elisheva Eliyahu 爸爸上帝 -以莉莎法·以利亞呼

1 year ago

2022年8月4日。August 4, 2022.
We enter the cloud for 50 days with YAH til forever. We Hug and Kiss Precious Momma Elisheva Eliyahu and love YOU forever. Momma will never be alone again. HALLELUYAH!! !
Shalom to Precious prophet Momma Elisheva and all citizens of Heaven, whose names are written in the LAMB's Book of Life.

永远祝福以色列耶路撒冷,黎巴嫩的亞呼赎阿 哈 玛西阿克,伊妈亞,亞哈威爸爸,您们是我们的命。是我们唯一的宝贝。哈利路亞永远赞美您们。
We bless Israel, Jerusalem, and Lebanon forever. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, IMMAYAH, and ABBA YAHUVEH. YOU are our life and our only Precious Treasure. HALLELUYAH! We always Praise YOU.

Thank YOU YAH for giving us such wonderful days! Wow! HALLELUYAH!
I love listening to and singing the song “DADDY GOD”.
I knew prophet Momma Elisheva Eliyahu have been praying and crying for us since that moment.

Because of YOUR hard work, so many wonderful and priceless treasures are given to us.

We love and appreciate YOU forever.
We will always be in YAH'S Arms with our Mother Elisheva. HALLELUYAH!
....I want you, to hold you.
I want you to sit on MY lap.
Oh MY darling ones, hear ME.
Hear ME today. Oh, hear ME today.

WE need you to comfort US. WE need you to sing to US. WE need you to treasure and love US. ...

--Prophecy 136

...On June 20, 2010, I spoke with DADDY YAHUVEH and sat on HIS Lap—and just as I had rested my head upon the Shoulder of a MOTHERLY FIGURE like Proverbs' “MOTHER WISDOM” in the Banquet Table Dream...

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