BKP speaks at the Liberty Group Tea Party Meeting on August 3, 2022

2 years ago

When BKP was growing up you never made a sound when the President was speaking or when the nightly news was on. He remembers when he was 8 years old he looked at his dad and said he didn’t understand the politician. His dad responds that when the politician says they are trying to improve America they are taking your money by raising your taxes.

BKP studies the media. Remember when we worried about Jimmy Carter and his brother’s beer. It is so bad that we have a compromised man in the White House and how his son’s laptop creates a dangerous time in America.

The deep state corporate corrupt media is the biggest threat to this country today.

BKP grew up in North Jersey and worked in New York city. He remembers in the late 80s, stumbling on to the Rush Limbaugh show. BKP calls into the Rush show on Bill Clinton’s first 100 days of office. He calls to say how disappointed in the media reporting of Clinton's first 100 days. Rush’s response was “Brian, What do you expect?” BKP wanted much more but that has stuck with him over the years and fuels his desire to do what he does.

How did Make America Great Again bad. Most of us ponder on our most fondest memories. We have to go vote. The democrats have a plan. They need the governor's office, the lt governor's office to allow things to go to the floor on the senate and the attorney general to allow the things to go through. We have to talk to people and convenience them to go vote to save our REPUBLIC.

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