Keys to Understanding The Book of Revelation Part II

1 year ago

Continuing Discussion on the Book of Revelation.

Why understanding Prophecy, especially the book of Revelation, matters.

We need to look at Scripture from a Hebraic viewpoint NOT a Western viewpoint. People such as Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye and others have turned the truth of Scripture into a lie, instead of a Volume to be revered, Scripture has now been transformed into a Science FICTION Novel where the final chapter has alternate endings which change with each new Headline that appears in the mainstream media. One must also keep in mind the audience factor; people today have a way of placing themselves in the front row when they should be taking a seat in the upper balcony. Prophecies in the Tanakh and Renewed Covenant concern those who lived in the first century and those people were the intended audience of Yeshua, Sha’ul, Yochanan (John) and others.

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