Shock And Awe

2 years ago

God is a giver. We were created in His Image, that is why we also are givers. I love giving to others. I love encouraging others. This is because God’s Image in me reflects out of me. God gives to us continually, do we acknowledge it? The wonderful Giver, our God?
There are those times when God uses shock and awe, giving to us abundantly and suddenly. Usually when that happens to me, it humbles me so incredibly. One thing is for sure, we will never outgive God! Miracles happen every single day in so many ways God is on the move in our lives, providing, protecting and purposefully leading us. This is nothing short of miraculous, that our GOD is with us from every moment to every choice of our lives, giving us what we need to grow through this life and become more like Him. Miracles happen every day, but we very rarely stop to take notice of them, we have gotten used to having God in our lives, making our way. Can you even begin to imagine what the world would be like completely void of God? I don’t even want to go there. The Awe of God, the reverence of Him, the respect of Him has diminished much in our world. We have taken the Presence of God with us and for us, for granted. Sometimes God does these shockingly HUGE things to gain attention from us and once He does that in your life, that something you could never hope for or imagine happens and it shocks you back to reality and full focus of God. God is a giver and when He gives in a huge way, it does bring you back to the amazing truth, to the seeing of the everyday miracles, it brings you back to gratitude, awe, thankfulness in the all of your everything. We so need to get back to the basics of just plain AWE of God. We take so much for granted, yet He still works in the unseen these every day miracles for us. His giving is unstoppable. The sun rises. The tides change. The dew forms on the grass. There are so many, you can add your own in the comment section. We can start this moment with a new God consciousness, a commitment to be aware of what He is doing and begin to sharpen our senses and awaken our grateful heart towards Him. Let’s begin giving honor to whom honor is due, our Almighty God, Who created us in His image, Who faithfully maintains His creation moment to moment, miraculously so. AweGOD! Thankyou Father God for the miraculous touch of Your Presence, Protection, Provision and Purpose in our lives, faithfully at all times. We are so grateful for You. AweGOD! Dig Deeper:

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