How to fight ArriveCan Quarantine Tickets and Fines

2 years ago

Fight your Quarantine Act ticket and fine like many other successful Canadians and understand how to use the ArriveCan app description itself to board a flight without using the app - it states it right in the app description.

What follows is my interpretation, aided by my internet research. It is not to be taken as legal advice. I’m going to talk about the ArriveCan App first then what to do if you do get a ticket.

Firstly, you don’t need to use the ArriveCan App. It says so right in the app description. Use this if they try to deny you boarding on your flight. It’s in the description for the app on android and iphone app stores. You don’t need to install the app to see this description. You click on description to see it from the app store.

“will not be denied boarding of their flight or entry to Canada if they do not use ArriveCAN” Then you get the scare text about quarantines and fines.

To reiterate what officer Patrick McNulty from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has told us, CBSA officers don’t write the tickets, they pass the buck to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

Your best bet is to not talk to the Public Health PHAC representative. Walk by them. Once you’ve been cleared by the CBSA Canada Border officer, they don’t have your address or phone number, it’s not in your passport. Your passport says you can not be denied entry. They can’t pass on any information to the Public Health representative that would be able to write you a ticket. See the video featuring Officer Patrick McNulty for information on not talking to them and avoiding a Quarantine Act fine entirely.

Lets talk about if you do get a ticket and a fine. You can fight it. Stand up for your rights, stand up for our country and our freedoms and liberties.

Public Health in quotes “officers” are not Peace Officers. The Quarantine Act is clear, it defines Peace Officers by referring to the definition in the Criminal Code.

Because Public Health representatives are not Peace officers it effectively invalidates the tickets, which is why these tickets are often being thrown out when contested. Or they might try to stall you out applying pressure hoping you’ll fold before the court date, and then withdrawing charges at the last minute.

Stand4Thee Rebecca Sheppard (Reb Shep) source video, watch for details up to 36min mark:

Know your rights and stand up for them! H.A.I.L. BRETHREN!

We say H.A.I.L. FREEDOM for a reason, because the world needs a little more Honor, Accountability, Integrity, and Loyalty.

H.A.I.L. Honor, Accountability, Integrity, Loyalty


My name is Rohan Kumar Pall, and our family came to Canada for Freedom. If you have experiences with either contesting a ticket or your travelling experiences with the ArriveCan app please email me

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Defeating ArriveCan App Playlist:

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