Ep. 5134 – Aaron Maté on the Dangerous Precedent of ‘Russiagate’ – 11/22/2019

5 years ago

Scott talks to Aaron Maté about the role John Brennan and the CIA might have played in the investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 election. Although Maté is a progressive, he understands how dangerous it is to have intelligence agencies with the power to overturn the results of a democratic election. In fact, this is no different than what our CIA has done in lots of other countries when America supports a regime change in favor of democracy, but then the people of that country elect someone our government doesn’t like. Maté recognizes what a dangerous precedent this sets for everyone involved.

Aaron Maté is a former host and producer at The Real News and writes regularly at The Nation. Follow him on Twitter @AaronJMate.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/11-22-19-aaron-mate-on-the-dangerous-precedent-of-russiagate/

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