Beer Softened Stool 💿 Pen Island (Full CD). Punk from Lansing, Michigan. 2007 Album.

1 year ago

1. One More Flush
2. Paper Doll
3. I Just Wanna Masturbate
4. Who Killed Freddie Mercury?
5. Panty Liner
6. Correction Fluid
7. Jef Leppard
8. Daddy's Girl
9. 31 Inches of Anger
10. Banned for life at Disney World
11. 667: The Neighbor of the Beast

Mister Fecal - Pipes and Strings
Yodelin' Dick - Pipes and Strings
Spivey Wilson - Pipes and Skins

Archived in 2020-2022 by Scene and Unseen Archiving as a part of The Ripped Heart Collection Archive Project. Beer Softened Stool can be found in Michigan music history book Punk The Way I Remember It: Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions (2020) along with hundreds of other local and national bands.

Punk The Way I Remember It Flyer Art of Ripped Heart Productions:

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