It's still alive--don't dump the starter! and don't drink the hooch!

4 years ago

(update 10-10-20. Check out my two newest sourdough videos--success at last using only this same starter, no yeast! The secret is two-fold: 100% hydration for starter and plenty of resting/folding time--an all day process, but simple! My starter is very thick now, not runny.)

Hello, this is Lori Fiechter with My Indiana Kitchen! While looking in vain in my refrigerator for caraway seeds, I found my neglected sourdough starter. It was topped with a dark layer of "hooch" (although I taste hooch in the video, I don't recommend it. It is a unique kind of bad.) I'll show you how to revive old starter. I've neglected starter for months, but have always been able to bring it back to working form again! I made this starter quite a few years ago using nothing but rye flour and the natural yeasts in the air. It was quite a process that I don't care to repeat. I have plenty of starter to share with any viewers who live close by! Just ask.

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