Last Friday of July

1 year ago

This is a video of my Friday. I had an early VA primary care appointment. I also had art therapy and then after getting home I decided I needed to take a stroll.

I was highly stressed starting my morning. Helping the children, dropping wife off to work and having to walk into the VA after avoiding going there for two or more years. I had not gone to the VA because of the pandemic and also because I had a bad/poor experience when I used to go. A lot of miscommunication and leaving appointments feeling like nothing was accomplished. So because my symptoms are still bothering me everyday and I’ve had to go to the hospital a few times. I decided to give it a new try with new doctors and new perspective. I was stressed because I was preparing myself mentally for the questions and just being in the facility isn’t pleasant.

Through my journey, I have had my ups and downs with financial struggle. This means I have purchased smart watches and I’ve sold or pawned my watches. Now the importance of this is showing that having this objective data device for its technology is very helpful when managing symptoms. When high levels of stress build up I’m able to objectively adjust my actions and choices with awareness to do things that can help decrease stress. To watch my heart rate and to track my sleep. To keep track of my diet and exercise to give me reminders or warnings when it comes to health and wellness.

I wanted to share with you the importance of veterans using technology to help with their recovery and pain management. To show you real time results for real life experience and choices.

Now if you ask me…. Apple Watch wouldn’t exist if it were for American freedom and capitalism. They wouldn’t have access to unique and special natural resources and have production factories without the protection and assistance of the American government. Also shipping the products over seas to sell around the world wouldn’t be possible without the protection of our oceans. So with all that being said I do believe that if we say only one percent of Americans serve in the military and less than that one percentage deploy to combat and even less experience trauma and battle. So that being said yes every disabled should be given a smart watch device for free to assist in their recovery. Don’t act like the company don’t let hackers steal our data or they don’t sell it to the government or other companies so again why should any veteran go without or financially struggle to secure and use a smart watch. It’s called respect and doing something more than just a lame thank you or 10% discount.

Regardless I will continue to lead the way and fight and scream to justify and reason on why it’s important for me to spend my money to use a device to assist me daily.

Thank you for watching and supporting me through my journey. If you would like to donate and wish to see more videos. Support me by donating to my CashApp: $VasCat.

#Veteran #War #Primarycare #VAHospital #Apple @Apple

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