Hyrule Warriors DE - Legend Mode (Hero, 2nd Skulltulas) - Chapter 13: Shining Beacon

5 years ago

2nd Skulltula objective: Defeat Volga 2 or more times and open the Enemy Base while keeping all allies alive. (Lana w/Spear, Hard+ Only)

The hardest part about this Skulltula is Volga's sheer power. You have to kill him once before you use the Magic Circle and then once again afterwards, and when you fight him the first time, he'll be glowing red, which means he is super powerful, and he is immune to flinching from your attacks. This can also make it hard to defend any non-playable ally that Volga might attack.
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#HyruleWarriors #AdventureMode #LegendMode #2ndSkulltulas #HeroMode #HyruleWarriorsDefinitiveEdition #NintendoSwitch #NoCommentary #Walkthrough #gaming

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