Hostage Situation - Kirk Franklin & Dr. Tony Evans

4 years ago

(Podcast) - How many times do Caucasian people have to apologize to blacks and people of color for the sins of the ancestors. Kirk Franklin & Dr. Tony Evans hold TBN and the Dove Awards at bay as Kirk Franklin seeks for reconciliation because some words were clipped out of his songs. This is a classic case of reverse discrimination that will have you want to go into deep intercessory prayer for the Church. We have to change. See why as you listen in. (Podcast) - How many times do Caucasian people have to apologize to blacks and people of color for the sins of the ancestors. Kirk Franklin & Dr. Tony Evans hold TBN and the Dove Awards at bay as Kirk Franklin seeks for reconciliation because some words were clipped out of his songs. This is a classic case of reverse discrimination that will have you want to go into deep intercessory prayer for the Church. We have to change. See why as you listen in. Kirk Franklin and Dr. Tony Evans hold TBN and the Dove Awards hostage as they seek to reconcile and apologize for sins they did not commit.

TBN Interview - Click Here

Kirk Franklin - Truth on the Boycott - Click Here

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