Genesis One - Minister Neill Russell (Pt 1)

4 years ago

(Podcast) Genesis 1 – Minister Neill Russell – (Pt 1 of 2)

This is part 1 of a 2-part series. In the midst of Covid-19 we have no reason to fear. God is with and Minister Neill Russell shares on how he feels but more importantly on how having a relationship with God can you bring you stability in this troubling time. Minister Neill is a retired public-school science teacher who loves God with all of his heart. He found a key in Genesis 1. This key breaks down some important truths in God’s word. God wants us to give up our control. Minister Neill shares on his journey through the passing of his wife and now after hear death how he is able to have true and lasting peace. Neill uses science to explain God. You don’t want to miss this.

He built a website to explain

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