Interview - Charonda Johnson - Warriors Are Restored - {Pt 4 of 4}

4 years ago

Part 4 of 4; Special Guest Interview with Sis. Charonda Johnson. Charonda Johnson is the founder of "Warriors Are Restored Facebook Prayer Group"

In this segment you will hear how Mrs. Johnson built “Warriors Are Restored” and this conclusion will show you how she brings hope for the future to our Warriors. This ministry came as a result of her quest for inner healing. She had a desire be healed but that desire did not stop there she wanted to heal other warriors who have been affected by the same thing.

The awesome thing is that she was not clinical in her approach. She sought connection through empathy. Which is a method that Jesus uses all the time. She sought God for a way to give them Jesus. She was healed and learned to cope with her own struggles, which by the way did not stop after she left military service. She has been there; she has gone through with Jesus and this connection brings hope.

Her call to arms is to serve the military members by praying for them, the friends, their families, and our nation. This is an act of choosing to help bring them the help that they need. Mrs. Johnson shares straight from the heart about how it felt to struggle and not have anyone connect and understand where she was at. She gives hope to the darkness that sometimes surrounds our warriors. She speaks about soldier suicide rate increasing and how personal this is to her. We close with prayer and you will never be the same again. This conclusion offers you hope for the future.

Part 1 - Click Here

Part 2 - Click Here

Part 3 - Click Here

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