Keys to Understanding The Book of Revelation Part I

1 year ago

One need not go too far into Social Media nowadays to come across End Time Fever. Sadly, this is a phenomenon which takes place every few years due to Blood Moons, Solar Eclipses, a certain alignment of constellations, an economic downturn or the latest government scheme designed to bring the masses to their knees. Yes, times they are a changing, war is in the air and America is about to go through a time of economic turmoil like no other in its history; however, times always change, nations have always been at war and many nations have experienced cycles of boom and bust in the past two thousand years.

Many of the things which are happening today are no worse than what other people in the past two thousand years have had to experience, in fact some periods of history, such as the roman catholic inquisition, were pretty brutal. When examining prophetical text, one MUST keep everything within its proper context and remember who prophecies, epistles and letters were addressed to.

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