China warns it will “not sit idly by” if Pelosi visits Taiwan, US says it “will not be intimidated”

1 year ago

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During a Chinese foreign ministry briefing on Monday, spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that China’s military forces will "not sit idly by" if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan.

The latest warning indicated that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, would be "a gross interference in China's internal affairs" and warned that it would lead to "very serious developments and consequences."

"The Chinese side will definitely take resolute and strong countermeasures in response, and defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. As to what measures, if she dares to go, then let us wait and see," Zhao said.

Pelosi kicked off a tour of four Asian countries on Monday in Singapore amid intense speculation that she may risk repercussions from Beijing by also visiting self-ruled Taiwan.

In response to the comments, White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby said that “there is no reason for Beijing to turn a potential visit consistent with longstanding US policy into some sort of crisis or conflict, or use it as a pretext to increase aggressive military activity in or around the Taiwan Strait.”

“We will not take the bait,” Kirby said, referring to potential increased military operations, air or naval activities and highly-publicized exercises. “At the same time, we will not be intimidated. We will keep operating in the seas and the skies of the western Pacific as we have for decades.”

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