1 year ago

"Randomized controlled trials are the evidentiary gold standard. Treatments are assigned randomly to infer their “true effect” in the population.
[…] Fourteen of 16 trials performed before the pandemic found the recommendation to wear a mask did not significantly reduce infection rates compared to unmasked controls. Two trials on community masking have been performed during the pandemic. A trial in Denmark called DANMASK showed the recommendation to wear surgical masks did not reduce infections. A trial in Bangladesh showed reusable cloth masks did not reduce infections"

Ayers, Ph.D., M.A. is a Johns Hopkins- and Harvard-trained epidemiologist. He is the vice chief of innovation in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health, associate professor in the Department of Medicine

Here’s why San Diego Unified’s mask mandate won’t slow COVID-19.

Picture of Karl Lauterbach, 2020
Martin Kraft, free license CC BY-SA 4.0

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