Defeating Diabetes Mellitus Spiritually

3 years ago

Diabetes Mellitus is a spirit that can be defeated by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Listen at this brief teaching on the spirits that Win Worley found to be tied to Diabetes. Read "Freedom From the Hosts of Hell" by Win Worley - Click Here. Listen as I share what I learned.

The following are spirits that are directly tied to Diabetes Mellitus.

Diabetes (means running through) mellitus – ruler spirit that comes through my bloodline and ancestral curses. Doorkeeper of Insulin. Despair and deception. Self-rejection. Fear, anger, depression, hopelessness, guilt, and disparity (the quality or state of being different). Stress, worry, anxiety. Animal spirits tied to insulin extracts. Fatigue from infirmity spirits, migraine, headache, strokes (confusion, emotional torment, convulsion, unconsciousness, coma.) Spirit of confusion. Brute (Unteachableness) with rebellion and stupidity. Torment Disclaimer, "I am not a medical doctor. This is not to be taken as medical advice. Please take your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to 476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

"Devil is Liar" - Juanita Bynum, "No More Sheets!"

117592__soundmary__aplause-short-burst & 472688__silverillusionist__fire-burst

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