2020 Apocalypse - A New Horizon

4 years ago

A fascinating and engaging video by our friend and fellow YouTuber Martin Kenny that tells about several unprecedented celestial alignments happening in 2020 that will likely have very profound effects on humanity. Buckle up for 2020 Everyone! It's gonna be a wild ride!

Original Video Link - Please subscribe to Martin Kenny Vision2020 - you'll be glad you did!

The word apocalypse is derived from the Greek word apokalypsis meaning…

We could say an apocalyptic event is one that uncovers, discloses, unveils or reveals
that which was hidden.

We are all currently going through an apocalypse that began in 2012 just like the ancient Mayan's predicted...

And will end in 2020.

After which a new chapter in human history
will begin.

So now we ask, how on earth could the ancient Mayans have predicted something so far ahead in the future

The answer is simple….


Astrology is simply the reading & logging of the astral cycles and patterns of our sun, moon, planets, stars and all other celestial bodies.

Knowledge of the cyclical patterns of the heavens allows us to better understand
the cycles & patterns of natural phenomenon
as well as human behavior here on earth.

Most ancient cultures knew that we humans
here on earth were directly affected by the celestial energies and cycles of the heavens.

They also understood that everything on earth and in our universe is cyclical and not linear.

There is nothing new under the sun that which has happened before will happen again.

They knew that planets, stars and other such celestial bodies all carry their own
unique individual energy signatures that inadvertently affect us as humans here on earth.

This is why the sun makes us feel a certain way at certain times of the year.

And the moon affects us in certain ways
depending on its phases.

When the sun is at its peak on a beautiful
summer's day we humans release copious
amounts of melatonin, which generally makes us happy.

And when there is a full lunar moon at certain times of the year humans release
copious amounts of serotonin which can make us behave like


This is true of all the other planets stars and
celestial bodies.

All the heavenly energy bodies subconsciously affect us all individually and collectively at certain times of the day, month, year, season,
decade, century, millennium or
cosmic age.

Knowing which planets and stars release which energies at certain times allows us to preempt and understand human conscious behaviour and progression now and in
the future.

That's the beauty of astrology it shows us cycles and cycles help us to predict the future.

Everything in our universe is connected
from the microcosm to the macrocosm

As above so below
As within so without

So what does
the year 2020 have to do with all of this?


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