Nuclear Wintering With the Squad

4 years ago

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at
We Do Nuclear Winter For Fun!
Irrational Fear Of Ghouls

Common Bethesda Forum Posts.

Topic: The Raider AI is Too Tough in in this game Can we Nerf Raiders?
​The level 5 Raiders are the worst when you shoot at them they shoot back and kill me in 3 hits with automatic weapons. and when you do manage to kill them they do not drop and weapons, armor , or ammo. just 5 caps and rarely junk which i get enough of just farming everywhere.
Also after i get killed by Raiders i go back to pick up my loot bag and its always gone. This glitch needs to be patched!
And i visited a raider camp which i thought was a player vendor and went inside heard a loud Metallic RIP sound and died instantly. When i went to go back again my loot bag i dropped was gone. I HAD 47 BULK CLOTH! And NOW I HAVE TO FARM IT ALL OVER AGAIN! I Even Heard Laughing It Was Really Disturbing, I Did not find it funny at all. I Think We should have a game mode without any Raiders or anything that is Red. So i can just scavenge junk and build my super cool Museum camp. My Camp is going to have all the bobbleheads and magazines in alphabetical order. It will also have a bed and breakfast that serves only Ingredients that i found laying on the ground and farmed. Vegan because its more healthy for you. Did i mention i am vegan. Yes I Am Vegan. But if you really want something with meat i can make it for you because i have all the food recipes sorry i have ADHD --NERF Raiders!

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