How To Save A Marriage

4 years ago

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How To Save A Marriage – Tips To Avoid & Stop Divorce

We work very hard to make our relationships work, and the last thing anyone wants is to lose the one they love because the relationship wasn’t sturdy enough. And if you’ve gotten to the point of wondering how to save a marriage, you’re probably in a very tough spot with your spouse.

You want to avoid divorce, that’s for sure. And I want to show you what you need to know – before it’s too late.

You might be looking at your marriage and feeling as if it’s over. You want to join in the love of the relationship and the joy of being a couple again, but it’s often hard to see anything but a list of reasons that you should just hang it up and get a divorce.

In order for your relationship to work and for you to be able to save a marriage, you also have to be able to dive into the messy parts of your problems so that you can really meet them head-on. Most couples never really faced their issues as individuals before they sought out a relationship. And that’s a big problem right there.

And those problems always come back to haunt you until you do. The first relationship you ever get into is a relationship with yourself. If you don’t keep that relationship solid and whole, you can’t make a relationship with someone else work.

So you might be wondering what it takes to save a marriage from doom?

Well, first let’s start off on some signs that you can save your marriage…

SIGN 1 You Can Save It: You own your stuff…
If you know what your “stuff” is, you can be aware of how it gets in the way. And by “your stuff” – I mean all your insecurities and emotional triggers that show up in relationships.

We all have patterns of engaging and struggling in relationships. And they always reflect the times where our childhood self fragmented in a moment of stress or even trauma.

This was where our younger self had to develop a protection strategy – and it was necessary. Heck, some of our trauma wasn’t even intentional.

But the fact is that when a kid has a big challenge where he doesn’t get the love or acceptance that he/she wants means that a strategy might have been invented to protect us. And we almost never got to sit down with someone to work out the real interpretation of the event and heal from it.

This is true for him – and it’s true for you. You know you’re not perfect, right?

If you can own your stuff – and recognize it – you’ll be WAY ahead of 90% of the other relationships out there that struggle.

SIGN 2 You Can Save It: You still have good mojo…
If you still feel drawn back to him as your husband, and you don’t feel a constant need to escape your marriage, there’s a good chance you can save it.

Every marriage and relationship has a bank account of love in it for our partner. We make deposits and withdrawals, but the relationship is always carrying a balance.

If it’s a POSITIVE balance, you have good mojo with each other. You’re probably not feeling any contempt (see below about this) for your partner.

If it’s a NEGATIVE balance, you have a long, uphill battle to save the marriage.

You gotta look at your relationship checkbook and keep it in balance.

SIGN 3 You Can Save It: You know you still have to mow the yard…
I have a saying I share with my clients: “You know you have some relationship wisdom when you realize the grass ISN’T greener – AND it still needs to be mowed, too.”

Very often we shift our focus to another partner, we have an affair, only to realize after a while that we saw this new romance as just an escape. We realize that we’re not really looking for another relationship.

All loving relationships require effort.

And the sooner you understand this, the sooner you can get back to your partner on wiser terms.

You can try to escape this truth, but it will only come back to haunt you.

SIGN 4 You Can Save It: You still want the intimacy…
When your marriage is on the rocks, it can be difficult to find yourself disconnected from your physical intimacy.

But you do need to have the DESIRE to connect sexually on some level. If you feel a desire to share that special part of your intimacy with each other, there’s a good sign that you still have most – if not all – of the love you need.

Wanting to connect in bed like this is a sign that you ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Save A Marriage

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