
2 years ago

Demonstration video for Active Target AR500 steel target paint.
Active Target paint is an AR500 steel target paint designed for multiple reactive reports with 22 rimfire and pistol calibers.

Active Target can also be used for longer-range hit confirmation with rifle Calibers.

3 quick coats (dries in minutes) is a good report at typical 22 distances and up to 5 coats for a louder report at longer ranges. More than 5 coats and the returns are diminishing and you will get fewer shots out of your target. 3 or 4 is optimum and you can get well over 100 target reactions from a pint, covering at least 5 eight-inch steel rounds.
In total all the shooting in this video was less than ONE PINT of paint.
Below are the instructions for use and why we think our Active Target paint is Arguably better than some of the more well-known reactive targets.

Active Targets
Multi-hit AR500 steel target paint
Active Targets
Multi-hit reactive AR500 steel target coating
Caution Flammable
Read instructions prior to use.
Dried film is impact and heat/flame sensitive.
Never place coated targets face to face
Do not stack targets
Never carry more than 1 target at a time.
Do not strike or abrade
Avoid breathing dust from oxidizer powder.
Mix outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
Mix on-site at time of use.
Avoid misplaced paint.
Paint targets in place.
Use eye and ear protection and follow all gun safety rules.
Do not store mixed product.

Instructions for use.
Like any paint, surface prep is key to adhesion.
Prepare your steel target for paint.
New powder-coated targets should be scuff sanded.
Used targets should be cleaned with a degreaser type detergent.

1. Open can and stir contents thoroughly to mix in settled solids.

2. Gradually stir in oxidizer packet & continue to stir a full minute after. Thorough mixing ensures best results.

3. Paint on three to five quick coats allowing each coat to dry to light gray and
resists denting. Approx 2-4 minutes. Stir between coats.
Work fast, it dries fast! Replace lid when done.
(one pint will cover five 8” targets) if needed,clean up with acetone or lacquer thinner.
May also be thinned with lacquer thinner 5-10% if additional dry time is needed.

4. Place targets at a minimum of 25 yards shooting distances and enjoy!
Fill can 2/3 full with water to deactivate. Replace lid and dispose of in trash.
To remove left over film from target soak 10 minutes and carefully scrape remaining film.

Store paint brush in empty oxidizer packet between coats.
use entire product at one time.
If re-coating a previously coated target, simply wipe with damp cloth to remove dust and reapply. Avoiding areas of build ups of more that 5 coats.
More than 5 coats is not recommended. It results in less reactions per target.
A few rounds of bird shot cleans targets quite effectively.

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