The Blind, the Lame, the Deaf, the Mute and the Dead

1 year ago

The Lord tells us through Paul, the apostle, that the things of the Spirit of God are spiritually discerned. Whenever we read the bible, we must have spiritual ears and spiritual eyes to both truly hear/understand and perceive the true spiritually meaning and significance of what we are reading. The same is true for the exploits of God in miracles, signs, and wonders. Otherwise they can become lying signs and wonders, meaning the miracles help men and women to believe in a lie because of the sign and wonder they experienced.

This particular study will help us to be open to God's real intent and purposes in displaying His might and power in the earth. Jesus reiterated an old covenant prophecy, but gave it spiritual meaning and significance. He said, "And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'HEARING YOU WILL HEAR AND SHALL NOT UNDERSTAND, AND SEEING YOU WILL SEE AND NOT PERCEIVE; FOR THE HEARTS OF THIS PEOPLE HAVE GROWN DULL. THEIR EARS ARE HARD OF HEARING, AND THEIR EYES THEY HAVE CLOSED, LEST THEY SHOULD SEE WITH THEIR EYES AND HEAR WITH THEIR EARS, LEST THEY SHOULD UNDERSTAND WITH THEIR HEARTS AND TURN, SO THAT I SHOULD HEAL THEM.' But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it."

Hopefully, this teaching may help us all to see that the blind, the lame, the deaf, the mute and the dead are not merely to be interpreted in a natural way, but more so in a spiritual way regarding the types of hearts of men which has far greater eternal impact and significance.

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The following teaching was originally ministered to the saints at The Meeting Place on 6/27/2022 .

This video is also found on Rumble: .

#theblind #thelame #thedeaf #themute #thedead #spiritualdiscernment #thingsofGod

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