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Beshear Bucks

2 years ago

This episode covers how Andy Beshear has a pattern of promising money then failing to deliver, also how he is going around the state like a gameshow host with giant checks with his name on them, but ones he didn't actually sign.


  • 0/2000
  • Regarding the unemployment situation, yes, PropagAndy lied. But part of the fault lies with the people as well. They willingly bought into the propaganda about the plandemic, they willingly forfeited their jobs to stay home and live off the state. If people had seen the whole fear campaign for what it was (and is), they would have kept their jobs and be working today. If people are willing to give up their rights over fear, they deserve no rights.

  • Be wary of the SOS Adams. He was blocking any ballot hand recounts

  • Thanks Lee for helping KY flood victims. God bless you!

    1 like
  • He writing the check from his own account? Pfft!

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  • Lil Andy by Dandy!

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