PI Win in Fulbright Scholarship Discrimination Case; SEC Statements Indicate Problems W/ Gag Orders

1 year ago

NCLA Celebrates Preliminary Win in Fulbright Scholarship Discrimination Case

Vec announces NCLA’s preliminary win in the Fulbright scholarship discrimination lawsuit, Lujan v. Department of Education.

NCLA filed the lawsuit, as well as a preliminary injunction on behalf of Ms. Ahmad, challenging the U.S. Department of Education’s 1998 rule and its decision to reject her 2021 application on the basis of her Arabic-speaking heritage. The Department of Education has agreed not to apply the rule to her and other similarly situated applicants this year.

SEC Statements Indicate Problems with Gag Orders

Vec describes problems with SEC’s gag rule based on SEC statements at a sentencing hearing in Tampa, FL, this week in SEC v. Spartan Securities Group, LTD., et al.

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