05 AV 5782 AUGUST 2 2022

1 year ago

05 AV 5782
AUGUST 2 2022

“I Declare That The Gift Of Discernment Is Mine In The Holy Spirit. You Are Guiding Me Into All Truth And That Truth Is Setting Me Free. I Will Not Yield To Gossip, Slander, Or False Reports.”

Discernment is the Spirit of God revealing what is in alignment with God’s nature, character and Word and what is mixed with man’s philosophies, rules, and traditions. One is life=giving and produces the fruit of the Spirit and the other produces a form of religion but denies the power of God. May we eat of the fruit from the Tree of Life and not from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. There is a way that seems right to man but in the end leads to death and destruction. Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He leads to abundant life and life eternal.

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