Simple Solutions to Health, Social & Global Challenges. Why is Corporate Media Ignoring Them?

1 year ago

In this video award winning author, and global media source on the science of consciousness and how our health, society and world have simple elegant solutions ... explores WHY CORPORATE MEDIA IGNORES THESE SOLUTIONS that could save society trillions of dollars each year.

This channel, and this video, will fundamentally change the way you see the world. For example, "think the world is getting more violent?" NOPE, not a fact. Violent crime rates are at near 40 year lows in America and many countries worldwide--but, the corporate media keeps us all in a constant state of fear ... believing the world is vastly more violent.

ALSO, ENJOY A MEDITATION / STRESS MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE with the author of "New 2nd Edition; The Gospel of Science...," who has taught Mind Body Stress Management to many of the world's largest corporations, health networks, prisons, schools, etc. ... and was the 2009 Inductee to the Internal Arts Hall of Fame in New York.

His award winning books have changed the lives of thousands around the world. See his Author's Page for more, and also to hear international radio interviews with the author:

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