Population Control, Then & Now | Freedom is the Cure

2 years ago

Is population control cooky, paranoid nuttery — or a real plan being pursued by the international oligarch class? In this first of two interviews, Paul talks with Endgame author Dennis Behreandt about the history of population control, how it’s likely being implemented now, and where the Covid-19 global response fits into this diabolical scheme.

Take Action!
1.) Get your copy of Dennis Behreandt’s Endgame: Covid and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital Convergence in a Transhumanist World:

2.) Read Population Control Is the Ultimate Goal of the Climate-change Cult: https://thenewamerican.com/population-control-is-the-ultimate-goal-of-the-climate-change-cult/

3.) Connect with a local coordinator and join The John Birch Society:

▶️ More Related Videos
- Transhumanism, the Globalists' Agenda to Dehumanize Humanity: https://youtu.be/JIUM-k-OqdY

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