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2 years ago

'Uninformed Consent' is a Canadian made documentary that came out on Augusst 1st, 2022.

My honest opinion is that this documentary might be okay to send to the uninformed masses who believe in the scamdemic, however, I think that it's full of some rather large inaccuracies which are shared by the doctors in this documentary.

All of the doctors are of the belief that covid actually exists which it doesn't. They also talk about Ivermectic and HCQ as though yet another pharmaceutical drug would have been the best selection for people to take in order to get get better from convid. If convid actually existed, which is doesn't, there would be far wiser choices to make than taking any type of pharmaceutical drugs.

The primary goal of my channel is to share info and documentaries about terrain theory versus the germ theory lie and so please check some of those out and hopefully, you'll realize that Covid along with all the alleged variants, simply do not exist and that the pandemic, including the push for all people to get the jabs, is the biggest lie, con job and crime ever perpetrated upon humanity.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Very good production. Everyone needs to see this. We are not alone.