Crisis is the Birth of Masculine Purpose

4 years ago

In this video, Reclaim your Inner Throne founder Eivind F. Skjellum steps into controversial territory.

He argues that the last several decades has seen a shift from masculinity being expressed by men, to these days being expressed by systems.

As this happened, we became increasingly incompetent in basic life skills and became dependent upon the systems we conveniently gave our power away to.

In this way, we came to depend on the same masculine systems that we cussed and railed against.

And then COVID-19 came, and men and masculinity became popular again.

The very second we start seeing that our systems aren't as strong as we think, we come to depend on men's masculinity once more.

Which is why Crisis is the Birth of Masculine Purpose.

Join Eivind in this controversial inquiry and join the Reclaim your Inner Throne Facebook Tribe here:

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