What's the Story? The 30 Day Homeless Challenge and Taking Responsibility-It's A New Year! 1/6/2020

5 years ago

Reno, Nevada is only one of many cities plagued with homelessness and the problems and health hazards associated with it. One organization, QOL-Reno (Quality of Life) decided to tackle the problem between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's reported that about 1,000 people are homeless in the Reno, Nevada area. It seemed like a gift to anyone who was homeless. A gift to the city, as well, since QOL-Reno was not asking for any funding.

Between November 25 and December 24, 2019 QOL-Reno (Quality of Life) accepted referrals of chronically homeless individuals from the Reno, Nevada City Council. QOL would get them housed and employed within 72 hours or less IF that person:
• Could pass a drug test, and stay clean and sober
• Was willing to work a steady job
• Was willing to obey the law

That was the challenge from QOL-Reno to the Reno City Council at no cost to the City of Reno except to find and refer the individuals to QOL-Reno.
.Co-founder of QOL-Reno, Paul White joins Janice Hermsen, host and co-hosts April Kempler, Ed Noel and Doug Ashby at 3 p.m to report the results of the challenge.

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