Electing Alberta's Own 'Ron DeSantis' as Premier

1 year ago

Alberta's next Premier is being chosen by October 2022, and you must be a member of the United Conservative Party (UCP.ca) by this coming Aug 12, 2022 in order to have a vote for leader of UCP and Premier of Alberta. Only 2% will both to pay the $10 to qualify as a voter, the rest will just make excuses.

Many have wished we had in Canada even one Premier to be the kind of honest ad courageous leader as Florida's Ron DeSantis. We have opportunity to elect such person in Alberta.

For the freedom movement, there is no excuse. We have at least two (2) very worth individuals running to be Premier... both have credentials of having stood up against the Covid Mandates and paying a huge personal price for their stand. One even drove his truck to Ottawa to join the Convoy!!!

Make a decision today, if not a member of the UCP.ca, do so today and ALSO spread the word to the freedom movement - to join the UCP.ca before Aug 12 and be ready to vote in a 'Ron DeSantis' style leader (male version or female) as Premier of Alberta, a first for Canada!

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