The shocking truth of Dr. Robert Moore's death (clearing his name & legacy)

3 years ago

Robert Moore PhD is renowned across the world for his important work in uncovering the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover archetypes (together with his colleague Douglas Gillette).

In 2016, we learned the shocking news that he had killed his wife and then shot himself, leaving the world of both men's work and psychology confused and in disarray.

Nobody was able to make this fit with the man they knew, and now it is clear why: It is not what happened.

In this video, we speak with Marina Moore Weems, Dr. Moore's beloved niece, who takes us through the forensics & lab reports after his death, that offer incontrovertible proof of Dr. Moore's innocence.

May this revelation bring peace to the many thousands of you whose heart were broken by this terrible news in 2016.

Thanks to Marina, the truth is finally out.

Reclaim your Inner Throne initiation

Ultimate Intro to Masculine Archetypes Robert Moore edition

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