5 years ago

Behold Sicks the dog on em all or one or none....all day long summer short days winter......I feel it in my bones autumn atonin singular matrix energy falls in flakes the fleshy robotic sets shop for winter. Unlike msny ducks whom prefer the South.....Spring Rise, The house of the risong sun....Two energies...The Winter snd the summer the comming and going of seasons felt physically and mentally.
Before you arrived on earth. In the Chamber of Judgment of the Mentally Fit. The Big question was on the Board..... What will I choose. Destination planet earth, Rules and regulations formalitry. Read and then for ever be at peace... I chose to be a white male. I did all the calculation s and chose a height of 5 foot 11 inches but knew there were things I would be more comfortable at 5;9 so I am 5:8.....I chose to be me, I forgot to read the rules that came with..... My choise.. ANd they took away the plug in feature

The egg weighs more looks smaller have they increased the size of the yellow.....TEST CENTERS FOR MUSHROOMS AND EGGS..Fertilization Fermentation.
The Degree or the DECREE

1 second ago
both heaven free 66 from the cross Bared.. As the Plus sign or the Multiplication.. this is a 8 point star more over put a hole in the center you need 4 rulers 4 levels 3 separation one pin hole now how many stars and one sun..... surrounded or are the stares only above and below and outward. reguarless the design is connected to the cor or is it 8 rulers connected at the ends a like they hank them up for sale sail.... around the octagone center.... and always more..... the one that we call rising and falling .. if the sun is the octagone as 6/6 as per the rise and the fall of the day and GOD GAVE US THE NIGHT... NOW FLAT OCTAGONE OR THE 3D TYPE HOW MANY CORNERS THERE ARE EIGHT TO BEGIN... NOW IT LOOKS LIKE A SUNFLOWER hOW POINTS OCTAGONE 3D 64?

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