Know 5 Body Language Gestures That Leave Bad Impression

1 year ago

Do you know that what are the 5 gestures you should not do while talking to someone to avoid leaving a bad impression? Know what these 5 body language gestures tell about your personality.

UPDATED: JUL 30, 2022 17:01 IST

Personality Tips for Good Impression: In public speaking, your body can be an effective tool for adding emphasis and clarity to your words. Body gestures are also our most powerful instrument for conveying our confidence levels, mindset, and the message we want to convey. Why? More than half of all human communication takes place nonverbally. Scientific studies have proven that body language determines the personality of an individual. Hence, people who can understand and relate to how body language and gestures help one to build a personality know that if you want to achieve an effective personality, you will also need to improve your body language. Proper speaking posture, gestures, body movement, facial expression, and eye contact are keys to a powerful personality for making a positive first impression on an audience.
#1 Crossing Arms Behind Your Back
If you are crossing your arms behind your back while talking to someone, you could be non-verbally leaving a bad impression on them. You could seem like you are trying to cut off the communication or seem quite cocky and authoritative (unless you want to seem like that). This could also convey that you do not trust the other person in either what they are telling you. Psychologists say that crossing arms or hands behind your back while talking is a way of telling someone that ‘I am unsure of you’. In some cases, if you hold both your arms and tightly clasp hands, one may also interpret that you may be hiding a truth when asked a question during a conversation. If you are touching your face while talking to someone, you could be non-verbally leaving a bad impression on them. Touching your face in the middle of a conversation or interview is a very low-power gesture. You are showcasing signs of nervousness, anxiety, lack of control, and lack of confidence. Yes, touching your face while talking is among the four common gestures that turn people off. This also conveys that you are constantly thinking about something and shows a lack of presence of mind in the current conversation. Keep in mind that generally if you touch another's face is a gesture of intimacy and affection, but to touch your own face is to mask your true emotions. It may also be perceived as you are clueless or unprepared about the situation.Yes, if you hold arms behind your back with one hand gripping another hand tightly and shoulders slouching, it is a sign of frustration, anger, nervousness, and lack of confidence. This could also convey that you are insecure in yourselves and might be looking for some comfort at that moment.
#2 Touching Your Face
If you are touching your face while talking to someone, you could be non-verbally leaving a bad impression on them. Touching your face in the middle of a conversation or interview is a very low-power gesture. You are showcasing signs of nervousness, anxiety, lack of control, and lack of confidence. Yes, touching your face while talking is among the four common gestures that turn people off.
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