How To Make $100,000 In 30 Days - Shopify Dropshipping (Episode 5)

1 year ago

In today's episode, we will be tackling every major issue that you may encounter in dropshipping, of course, this is based on Barsin's experience. Everything from PayPal holds, Credit Card holds, and even supplier problems.

This is something that most people will encounter, and this is just standard procedure that we will address, and how to release the hold and get access to your funds again.

We also address some more lookalike audiences for his store and how to separate and distribute his adsets to each different lookalike audience. I suggest creating more lookalike audiences for worldwide and for his top-performing countries.

If you'd like, please check out Barsin's Instagram account and give him a follow!

How To Make $100,000 In 30 Days - Shopify Dropshipping (Episode 5)

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