How To Make $100,000 In 30 Days - Shopify Dropshipping (Episode 2)

1 year ago

Things are already starting to SCALE!

Barsin has already made around $10,000 at this point, reaching multiple $1000 days for his store.
We can see that Barsin applied all the changes from the previous episode, and changed his scaling strategy like I suggested which has already started working for him.

He's been doing a lot of horizontal scaling and testing more interests for his product. Now that he's managed to scale and grow his audience, it's time to create lookalike audiences and get a wider reach for his store. So I show Barsin how to create a 95% view Lookalike audience for his store.

If you'd like, please check out Barsin's Instagram account and give him a follow!

How To Make $100,000 In 30 Days - Shopify Dropshipping (Episode 2)

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