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BASES2022 Bob Brown Life time achievement interview Cut Promo version

2 years ago

Bob Brown gives a lifetime interview, with Colin Woolford, at the Bases2022 summer lectures, in the heat of the Wiltshire summer, July 2022. This is day one, lots more to come, see it all on Brighteon.

Co-founder of the International UFO Congress, with the late Wendelle Stevens, interviewed by Bases Facebook group admin, and independent researcher and plague to the Alien Autopsy fiasco... Colin Woolford, or "Colon Wollyford".
This is an important and incisive interview about the most important series of conferences ever created. and that Film Festival.
Bob Brown, International UFO Congress and now UFO-MegaCon.

Bob was awarded a Life Time Achievement Award, "For the Betterment of Humanity" Award by Jemma Cooper, Bases host and MC.

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