Vladimir and Renata Sliva support 2nd amendment in Naperville, IL

2 years ago

In Naperville Council July 19, 2022.
This is raw video as Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 failed big time around the spot where I say Second Amendment.
We spoke against the commie proposal to ban sales of "assault weapons" (whatever that means) in Naperville, Illinois, USA.
I say in this video that socialism has murdered more than 100 million people after banning weapons - see, e.g., dr. Kengor mentioning this in his Dupes.
This raw video starts with the end of speech by someone kicked out by "republican" mayor Chirico - this RINO mayor is famous for having boasted on fascistbook with his Biden yard sign. So, after this person was kicked out, Vladimir Sliva's whole speech is on this video, followed by the whole speech by Vladimir's wife Renata, both Naperville residents since 1986.
Vladimir says he is strongly against the (commie) proposal and then expresses hope that Naperville will be successfully sued for this anti-constitutional regulation and thus be made an example and then he explains that even many years after communists confiscated all weapons in socialist Czechoslovakia, criminals there still had and used them. Then Vladimir stated that pupils in Czechoslovakia had to learn the soviet national anthem (the Soviet Union was occupying Czechoslovakia) and warned that (if Americans let commies grab their weapons) the children here in the USA will be learning Chinese national anthem.

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