1 year ago

The World Economic Forum [WEF] promise that humanity will own NOTHING but will be happy has a specific time-frame, this agenda is to be achieved by 2030. To achieve this goal the Luciferian world order must create a continual system of CHAOS and DEPRIVATION on a truly unimaginable scale. The fact that the vast majority of society are not aware that the CV19 virus event was actually a manufactured crisis, leaves those same gullible people vulnerable to fall for various other manufactured crisis.

Just consider the magnitude of what is needed to create a scenario whereby the nations of this earth will "LOSE EVERYTHING THAT THEY OWN", many will also lose their lives!

What sort of worldwide crisis could bring such an event or events to reality? I suspect that to reach a successful conclusion the powers that be will need to create multiple crisis, with the possibility of several occurring at the same time or in quick succession of other events.

The bible has foretold of famines, disasters, disease and drought in the very end of days, those Christians who know their bible will absolutely KNOW that we are living in that very time frame. I have said in previous videos that the Luciferian Great Reset is also the biblical Great Tribulation, yet the inhabitants of the world have no idea, not the slightest clue of what is about to befall the nations of this earth. If ever there was a time to believe in and get right with God, THIS IS IT!

Discerning Christians will be aware that FEW people will be able to survive what is recorded in the end times book of Revelation, such will be this great time of trouble that God has had to cut the days short. This is undoubtedly the calm before the storm, whether it's this winter or next, the destruction of the social order is and MUST take place, it is INEVITABLE, and it is UNSTOPPABLE!

Romans 9:28
For he will finish the work, and [cut it short] in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

Notice that the end-times great tribulation is also associated with the appearing of the biblical Antichrist false messiah:

Matthew 24:21-23
For then shall be [great tribulation] such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And [except] that [those days] should be shortened, there should [no flesh be saved]: but for the elect's sake [those days] shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

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