Recalling Spring in Ch'ih-Chou - Li Po - 李白 - [3/3]

3 years ago

Arthur Waley's translation of a poem by 李白 (aka Li Bai, Li Po, Li Bo etc).

These lines were written in the spring of AD759 while the poet was travelling up the Yangtze into exile. The blossoming of the trees reminded him of the happier springs he had spent at Ch'ih-chou.

Peach-trees in flower and the spring waters rising,
White rocks now covered, now showing again.
Wistaria-blossom shaking on the bough,
A half moon hanging in the blue sky.
And show many clenched bracken fists
Growing along the paths where I used to walk?
When in three years I come back from Yeh-lang
There it will be that I change my bones to gold!

The final line is a reference to alchemy, in which Li Po had dabbled.
The poem and information are taken from Waley's "The Poetry & Career of Li Po"

English translation from the Chinese, Tang Dynasty Poet, poems, Chinese ,Poetry Reading, spring, recital recitation spoken word, China. romantic, dissolute Poet, verse, Moon. Wisteria,
Taoist Alchemy.

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