Fauci's desire to use mRNA nanoparticle tech as a vaccine was undeniable.

2 years ago

MUST READ - This is factual information post with both dated documentation and video as proof of the following information..

Fauci on the incoming outbreak just 10 days before Trump was sworn into office, and again in October 2019, just 3 months before the first case was identified in the U.S.

Also In 2019, before the virus outbreak, the panel was discussing how they felt that the "Egg based" vaccines that we have used traditionally in history should be replaced with a new and disruptive way to vaccinate the global population.

The desired element in this new type of vaccination was speed.

They discussed a scenario that would allow for this new and disruptive process and that would be able to bypass the "normal bureaucratic process" of getting approval.

The scenario: A possible flu from China and a need for fast distribution. Watch the video!
Note -** In conclusion, after the Fauci talks in October 2019, the non-egg based, mRNA vaccine using nanoparticles was approved for use, and it was the first in the world to be given an Emergency Use Authorization. It was the Covid injection, approved for use on December 11, 2020. ** It bypassed at least a decade of testing phases and clinical trials. Which, as Fauci stated, would be the traditional or normal process.

*Look for this to come - Fauci also clearly says that children as young as 6 months should be included in any universal Flu vaccine.*

Original video : https://youtu.be/7aOj0g78ng0

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